
中英數及幼兒教育支援老師 (兼職)


  • 提供專科支援予讀寫障礙學童,啟發學習方式,重建學習興趣
  • 進行每年課前及課後評估,透過個別跟進,掌握學生的學習進度,調整教學課程
  • 協助博思會課程發展,參與教材設計
  • 到校提供專科支援服務
  • 協助家長及公眾教育,增進大眾對讀寫障礙的認識


  • 需持認可教育學位或文憑或相關資歷,具學前、小學或中學有關教育經驗

有意者請附履歷電郵至 hr@pathways.org.hk

或寄:九龍旺角新填地街470號海島中心1樓 – 博思會人事部收,合則約見。

行政主任 (全職)


  • 協助處理中心之日常行政及文書工作
  • 接聽、處理電話查詢及介紹中心服務
  • 接待家長及學生
  • 協助活動後勤工作
  • 協助中心採購及維修事宜


  • 持有香港認可之文憑或以上,或具備同等學歷
  • 良好的中文及英文能力
  • 懂得操作 Microsoft Office 及各類辦公軟件
  • 良好溝通技巧、對小朋友細心、有耐性


有意者請附履歷電郵至 hr@pathways.org.hk

或郵寄:九龍旺角新填地街470號海島中心1樓 – 博思會人事部收,合則約見。

Manager – Programmes and Services

Role and Responsibilities

  • Review regularly policies and procedures are up to date in accordance with the Education Bureau regulatory requirements
  • Work closely with teaching staff and senior management teams in the planning, developing and delivery of programmes and services including After and In-School Support Programme, organising of webinar/workshops for parents/teachers/students
  • Set budgets, review fees and ensure sound financial planning and control in P&S
  • Keep abreast of developments and trends in Dyslexia and education field in Hong Kong and abroad
  • Collaborate with Marketing team in the advocacy of Dyslexia and work of Pathways


  • Bachelor’s Degree with at least 10 years senior management experience working in the academic sector, teaching experience will be an asset
  • Team player, good communicator, strong leadership and pay attention to details
  • Proficient in both spoken and written Chinese & English

Work Location

  • Mong Kok
  • Shatin


If you are interested to help bridge the learning gap, please send full resume stating contact telephone number, date available, present and expected salary (salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience) by email to: hr@pathways.org.hk or write to: The Pathways Foundation Limited, 1/F, Island Centre, 470 Reclamation Street, Mong Kok, Kowloon. (Attn: HR Department)



有意者請附履歷電郵至 hr@pathways.org.hk
或寄:九龍旺角新填地街470號海島中心1樓 – 人事部收,合則約見。


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